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Turning Data into Comfort: How Smithson Plaza optimised operations & boosted tenant satisfaction

Written by Demand Logic | Oct 02, 2024
We sat down with Dominic Higgitt, Asset Manager at Resolution Property to discuss the impact of implementing Demand Logic at Smithson Plaza.

Dominic highlighted how real-time data has been pivotal in attracting new tenants, optimising operations, and uncovering new opportunities for efficiency. The integration has set a new standard for energy performance and tenant experience at Smithson Plaza.

  • What has been the impact on operational energy consumption since implementation?

Demand Logic has helped us reduce baseline energy consumption at Smithson Plaza by 196,000 kWh since implementation, a reduction of energy intensity of 24.5 kWh/m2/pa. The exciting thing is that this is just the tip of the iceberg and even now we can still see further optimisation opportunities.

  • Have you seen an improvement in tenant satisfaction and retention?

Demand Logic’s comfort score and tracker have been useful tools for predicting possible hot/cold complaints. I think occupiers are rightly demanding more efficient and reliable spaces so it’s great to be in a position where we can be proactive, rather than risking reactive customer satisfaction with our tenants.

  • What is the contribution to your ESG goals?

The clear win is the reduction of energy intensity at Smithson Plaza which simultaneously improves our energy sustainability and reduces ongoing opex. Aside from that, I’m excited to build upon the occupier comfort piece with a focus on wider air quality monitoring.

  • How has real-time data helped you attract tenants?

Tenants are expecting buildings to be efficient, reliable and smart, even in historic assets like Smithson Plaza. Demand Logic’s ability to work with buildings like Smithson, and present real-time data is another string in our bow when it comes to our letting strategy.

  • Can you share a success story since implementing Demand Logic?

For me it was how quickly we were able to identify huge optimisation opportunities at Smithson. The curtain was lifted, the building demystified and then solutions and next steps presented within a month or so of instruction.