Demand Logic will be part of the UK Department of International Trade (DIT) Pavilion at IoT Asia on ...
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Demand Logic will be returning to the Ashden Awards 2017 ceremony on 15 June. Winning the Innovation...
Venturefest Bristol and Bath has a reputation for showcasing the best in cleantech after Bristol was...
Our CEO, Mike Darby, is quoted in this recent article in Modern Building Services following the CIBS...
Demand Logic was invited to the Estonian Embassy to join a Smart City Cluster discussion panel along...
Sonny Masero, our Chairman, spoke at this year's Cleantech conference at the Royal College of Surgeo...
The Stoddart review, named The Workplace Advantage, was published to encourage businesses to make th...
Market analysts Verdantix has started to cover the emerging Real Estate, Energy & Facilities Inf...
In the 2012 Olympics' press centre there is now an Innovation Centre which aims to be the largest in...
In November, Demand Logic helped sponsor the inaugural X Energy event which was headlined by Mustafa...
Our Chairman, Sonny Masero, joined the EcoSummit line-up at CodeNode in the City of London. It did g...
The University of Oxford recently installed Demand Logic in a number of pilot properties to prove th...