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Demand Logic helps MAPP discover over £200,000 in annual energy savings

Demand Logic, a leading PropTech company, has announced significant additional savings for property management company, MAPP, across four of its UK-wide properties, by using their award-winning Building Analytics solution. MAPP building teams uncovered annual cost reductions of £210,000 over 50,000m² of MAPP-managed property. Also, Demand Logic has helped MAPP to cut approximately 1,150 tonnes of CO2 across these properties – the equivalent annual energy usage of 223 standard residential homes.

The two teams have been working together since 2017 when MAPP contracted Demand Logic to analyse the data from their Building Management System in a single London property. Having installed a Data Acquisition Device (DAD) that began feeding MAPP’s data into Demand Logic’s Buildings Analytics platform within hours, MAPP was significantly impressed with the results and extended the contract to a further three buildings: one in Bristol and two in London. Since then, the single, largest cost-management remedial action has saved almost £40,000 alone since it was identified.

Jason Collett, Technical Services Director at MAPP, said:

“We’re delighted by the results that Demand Logic has helped us to achieve – not just financially, but in terms of our carbon footprint. In some cases, a simple understanding of how our buildings are using energy has allowed us to identify more effective routes. And in others, it has helped us to spot significant operational factors that we were otherwise unaware of. From the big to the small, everything Demand Logic helps us move closer towards our net-zero targets.”

MAPP’s main priority has been the optimisation of its major plant operation, as well as monitoring Air Handling Unit (AHU) ventilation. Demand Logic has effectively demonstrated how quickly improvements can be made to energy efficiency, occupier comfort, and mechanical effectiveness by harnessing the power of technology. The organisation uses information from MAPP’s Building Management Systems to monitor over 137,000 data sets every 15 minutes. Through working with its building teams, over 350 different optimisation actions have been identified across the property portfolio. All of these identifications, changes, and achievements have helped MAPP to be well on its way to achieving their net-zero by 2025 goals.

Mike Darby, CEO of Demand Logic, said:

“Our partnership with MAPP has been, and continues to be, incredibly fruitful and exciting. It proves just how effective software can be in identifying issues, reducing energy usage, and helping properties to save significant amounts of money and carbon. As one of our leading partnerships, we are hoping to continue working with them further in the coming years, so watch this space for more.”

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