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Join Demand Logic at Unissu’s RE:Connect September edition

The pandemic has highlighted how critical Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is within buildings, however, with attention also focused towards sustainability ahead of COP26 in November, are these objectives in conflict with one another? Mike Darby, CEO and Co-founder of Demand Logic, along with two industry experts, will answer these questions at Unissu’s RE:Connect on 29th September, during the session, ‘Reoccupation and ESG: How can the real estate industry deliver buildings which are both energy efficient and healthy?’ 

Unissu’s 24-hour event brings together a global audience to network and learn about innovation in the built environment. Demand Logic’s panel discussion includes industry experts Carl Brooks, Head of Sustainability at CBRE UK and Francesca Brady, CEO at AirRated. During the session, they will discuss the Real Estate industry’s sustainability and air quality targets and how the pandemic has impacted the prioritisation and approach to them. Is it a case of prioritising one at the expense of the other or is that a false dichotomy? What practical measures can be taken by individuals? Tune in to see what our panel thinks.

Buildings have become a key focus in conversations around sustainability, as the built environment is now considered to be one of the biggest contributors to climate change, accounting for around 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint according to the UK Green Building Council. Alongside a live chat feature during the broadcast, delegates will also have the opportunity to book meetings with the Demand Logic team to discuss smart buildings and Building Analytics further. 

Mike Darby, CEO and Co-Founder of Demand Logic, commented:

“With the gradual return of office working in effect, building owners must look at how they can improve wellbeing for occupants and sustainability ahead of COP26. In order to meet the UK’s 2050 net-zero targets, the built environment will need to make significant changes to lower carbon emissions and prevent the devastating impacts of climate change from intensifying. 

“During our session, we will be exploring these two objectives which have previously been seen in conflict with one another and whether there is a way to achieve both with expense to the other.”

Free registration is still open ahead of the showcase this Wednesday, 29th September, from 3:00 to 3:30 pm BST.
Demand Logic’s building analytics platform allows Building Owners and Facilities Managers to save 10%-30% on energy, reduce maintenance times by up to 30% and comfort complaints by up to 100%. If you wish to connect before the event, please email or call +44 20 7193 4212.