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Meet the team: Geoff Parsons

In this series we will be asking our team a few fun and serious questions!

This month our Strategic Partnerships Manager, Geoff Parsons has agreed to be put in the spotlight and answer some of our questions!

1. Camping holiday with lots of hiking (and unreliable weather!) or hotel by the beach in the sun?

There are times when a lazy holiday really hits the spot but I think I’m going to have to go for the hiking holiday here. It would feel a lot more rewarding and you’ll walk away feeling fitter. Also less chance of sunburn!

2. It's a rainy Sunday afternoon with no chores to do, what is your perfect way of spending it?

I’d need to find something productive to do in the morning otherwise I would be racked with guilt at the end of the day! But once that’s out of the way the perfect Sunday, rain or shine, would be a Sunday roast. That’s it, that’s the day

3) Tell me a place you have been to (anywhere in the world), which you think everyone should visit, and explain why. 

That’s really tough. I’m tempted to say Japan because I’ve never been to a place quite like it. It has this really energetic modern culture on one hand and then this zen-like traditional culture on the other, and the two don’t seem to conflict.

4) What made you join DL?

I’d say the number one reason is that Demand Logic is offering a service which is absolutely the future of property management, providing insight which would have spared me several headaches when I was a PM. There’s also so much more to come so I wanted to be a part of that journey and help people such as myself avoid those really quite nasty property management headaches!

5) Where do you think the world will be in 2030?

Where I think the world will be and where I want it to be are quite different! 2030 is quite an important date as far as carbon reduction is concerned so I hope we will all have a better understanding of embodied carbon. It seems to me that focusing purely on efficiency means that there is almost an incentive to continue replacing things, rather than keeping them for longer. I can’t see how this is good for the environment or the average consumer. I would also like to see no more “not currently recycled” labels on plastic bags.

Thanks Geoff!