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Meet the team: Dan Mauger

Written by Demand Logic | Feb 23, 2021

Dan Mauger, CIO and co-founder at Demand Logic

In this series we will be asking our team a few fun and serious questions!

This month our co-founder and Chief Information Officer, Dan Mauger, has agreed to be put in the spotlight and answer some of our questions!

1. What makes a perfect breakfast, ketchup or mustard?

This is a trick question. The correct answer is both. With mayonnaise.

2. If I offered to pay for a weekend away for you, where would you go, what would you do and why?

Anywhere that Mrs Mauger wanted to go. Why? because she will read my answers.

3. What's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

"Lovely fish and chips Stan!!" (from a friend of over 40 years tucking into a lasagne I'd lovingly prepared).

4. What made you start Demand Logic?

The opportunity to help others make colossal energy savings whilst also improving the indoor environment for a great many people. Also important to me is the idea of increasing the job satisfaction for those in the industry we're seeking to empower. That is why I helped start Demand Logic.

A long-term desire is to include students of STEM subjects among those we help, by using data which shows how energy can best be used, to provide the services which are needed. Having access to data which involves their immediate environment would help bring crucial lessons in STEM subjects to life; and at the same time encourage new generations of people to consider or at least respect building service engineering as a career.

5. And finally, where do you think the world will be in 2030?

The response to the COVID pandemic has shown us that global action with huge economic consequences is tenable when something threatens every country and all of humanity.

I hope that by 2030 humanity will have woken up to the scale of the threats from over-consumption, environmental degradation and climate change which face it, and the biosphere on which we depend for our survival; we will have put in place the social, economic and political changes that are needed to protect our planet.