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Meet the team: Steve Pike

Steve Pike, Senior Software Developer at Demand Logic
Steve Pike, Senior Software Developer at Demand Logic

In this series we will be asking our team a few fun and serious questions!

This time, Steve Pike, our Senior Software Developer has answered some of our questions!

1. Keyboards or guitars?

Oooo err.. there’s not a binary answer! Depends on my mood enormously TBH - but, while working I’ll normally listen to more electronica or if I’m struggling to get my head into a juicy new feature or a troublesome bug, I’ll put on some techno, trance and deep house - beats at ~120 BPM with long rolling basslines do the trick…

2. How have you kept yourself busy during lock down?

I’m lucky enough to live in a rented house in E1 that has a huge jungle-like garden, with a pond… and I’m known to be found face-down over any water body looking at nature’s spectacle. Lots of birds visit the garden too, and Mile End Ecology park is nearby so I’m well fixed for losing myself in the business of other animals - never bored!

3. Have you got a favourite inspirational quote?

I’m not a big fan of inspirational quotes to be honest, I guess I’m a bit of a pessimist/realist so they always seem to need caveats applying. But I saw this in the back of a van used for protest, and it chimed: “Do no evil, take no s**t”

4. What made you join Demand Logic?

Ha! Well… long story, but I knew the team — we have a bit of a shared history, so I knew that they, and that what they were doing, was absolutely brilliant and really making an impact on carbon and energy — this is what I had been longing for, to try to make a difference to the climate crisis. And we do our bit there, hey? I’m still delighted to hear whenever an enormous bit of plant has been stopped from needlessly wasting megawatt hours of energy, thanks to our tech.

5. And finally, where do you think the world will be in 2030?

Well you’re asking a guy who has been on the frontline of protests around the government’s inaction on climate and biodiversity chaos (and I did say I’m a realist, right?), but you know what? Since 2019 we’ve seen a lot of positive movement, indications from the UK government that they acknowledge how serious it is, and with a new administration in the US, maybe… just maybe… we’ll be alright?