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Meet the team: Ian Shaw

Ian Shaw, Technical Services Manager at Demand Logic

In this series we will be asking a few fun and serious questions to our team!

This month we speak to Ian Shaw, Demand Logic’s Technical Services Manager.

1. Do you pick the cheeseboard or the pudding?

I like to have my cake and eat it, so if possible pudding first, followed by cheeses an hour or so later. 

2. What is your sport or exercise of choice?

Non competitive five a side football.

3. Which skill or talent do you think needs more recognition?

Knot tying, shoe laces aside I can never remember any and always fall back to "if you can't tie knots tie lots".

4. What do you enjoy most about your job?

The problem solving, variation and being part of a team that truly is a sum greater than its parts!

5. Where do you think the world will be in 2030?

If the change that occurred over the last 10 years is a reckoner of what may lie ahead, then we will be in a truly remarkable place. Though remarkable for being everything from truly good to truly bad of course. It’s going to be a rollercoaster!

Cheers Ian!