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Can the UK become carbon neutral by 2050?

Written by Demand Logic | Mar 31, 2020

The latest report on climate change has been published by research group, Energy Systems Catapult, which claims that the UK is not likely to be carbon neutral until 2050 unless UK citizens undertake radical change to their habits and behaviour.  Whilst the focus is on flying, eating less red meat and use of nuclear power, the role of buildings despite being the third largest contributor to carbon emissions according to the Climate Change Committee graph which is referenced in this BBC News article.

Commenting on this, Mike Darby, CEO Demand Logic said:

Achieving carbon neutrality in 2050 is possible, and you don’t necessarily need to put all the attention on people’s consumerist choices and Government policy making although the latter does help. Buildings are hidden carbon factories and yet, they are relatively easy to rectify in terms of carbon reduction thereby pushing the UK to carbon neutrality. We have at least 80% of our future property already built in the UK, so reports like this should look to existing buildings and the impact they can and should have in attaining the 2050 targets as well as other sectors.