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Keeping office temperatures down in hot weather

Written by Demand Logic | Jul 19, 2018

Originally posted on LinkedIn by Demand Logic Chairman, Sonny Masero

In the recent hot weather, Demand Logic has seen a lot of properties struggling to keep office temperatures below 25 degrees (77 Fahrenheit).

Office worker productivity drops by 2% for every degree above 25, so these high temperatures add up to millions in lost productivity. The picture above shows this situation over a two week period and that's just a snapshot of a longer period. I'd be working from home or a WeWork if this was my office.

In this case, the engineer told us the property runs hot and that's just a fact. Our team knows from our objective data analysis that there is more opportunity than that to improve performance so we're going to show how the tenants can have a more productive and healthy workplace.

If these productivity issues don't get fixed then properties will lose value as we move to more and more shorter, flexible leases. As the weather gets more extreme as a result of climate change this is a financial risk which can and must be managed, particularly in light of the pressure on investors for more financial disclosure.