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A Glowing Review: Demand Logic Client Testimonials Share Success Stories with Award Winning Technology


  • Demand Logic launch three bite sized client video testimonials
  • The videos showcase client success stories with TH Real Estate, Land Sec and The Crown Estate
  • The award-winning technology has delivered a range of benefits from savings to improved customer service abilities

Demand Logic has released a series of three short videos sharing client success stories. The bite-size testimonials feature The Crown Estate, TH Real Estate and LandSec. From money saving and reductions in carbon usage to providing the most efficient and effective service possible to their customers, the three case studies are proven success stories of the award-winning technology, Data Acquisition Device (DAD).

The videos follow Demand Logic’s awards hat trick at the end of last year, when the company won Estate Gazette’s Techtalk Academy award, Building Technology of the Year at businessGreen’s Technology Awards, and best in green buildings for the UK at BUILD Magazine’s 2017 Global Excellence Awards.

Jane Wakiwaka, Sustainability Manager at The Crown Estate, a major owner of property in London’s West End,  Abigail Dean, Head of Sustainability at TH Real Estate, one of the world’s largest real estate asset management companies, and Neil Pennell, Head of Engineering at Land Securities, the UK’s largest property development investment company each feature in the 60 second videos providing a snappy insight into the benefits and performance of Demand Logic’s technology across their property portfolios.  

The benefits range from increased maintenance efficiency and reduction in energy consumption to a shortened commissioning process and rapid resolution of issues. There is universal praise for its ease-of-use and easily interpreted information delivered in a dashboard format.

In the video, Jane Wakiwaka said: "To me, Demand Logic is about doing a health check of your building. What it’s really great at doing is gathering lots of data and analysing it really quickly."

Neil Pennell followed with: “We use Demand Logic systems in 12 buildings, covering around 2 million square feet of space and have identified a 10-15% typical energy saving each year.”

Sonny Masero, Chairman at Demand Logic added: “It’s fantastic to receive such accolades and for other property portfolio holders and building managers to hear first hand how our technology delivers time and again.”

Demand Logic’s DAD works like a ‘fitbit for buildings,’ providing a detailed visual interface of an entire building’s operations and individual terminal unit functionality in real time. This helps to immediately identify any issues and co-ordinate solutions, and enables a reduction in energy wastage, engineer’s time to locate a problem, and subsequent costs. Currently, Demand Logic’s software tool is installed in over 100 flagship commercial buildings throughout the UK.